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Friday, September 27, 2019

Impeach and Convict Donald Trump and Get the People’s Business Done.

Dear Senator

I am writing you to express my disgust at the behavior of the President and the willingness of the Republican caucus's determination to protect Donald Trump. I will not repeat the plethora of laws and indignities Trump and his administration have committed. I want you to understand the facts of the investigation and be truthful to the American people on what is discovered. The results are obvious that Trump is nothing more than a two-bit mob boss and should be impeached, convicted, and removed from office so his stain can be cleaned from the fabric of these United States.

From the way that you and fellow Republicans are defending Trump I can only conclude that the GOP caucus and Senator Mitch McConnell are involved in much of the same corruption. The Republican party has lost its way and no longer has the citizens of our country as its primary concern. The GOP is now ruled by big money contributions from fossil fuel interests, health care insurance, pharmaceutical and other big contributors that only have their profits in mind when asking for you allegiance that you willingly give away for these contributions. I understand who your REAL bosses are, and they do not care about Democracy or the United States. I need you to break free from this corruption and again work for us, the citizens of this great country.

There are over 140 bills that are important business of the people and have been passed by bipartisan votes in the House and are waiting in the Senate for votes. These bills will make improvements in the lives of millions of Americans in health care, education, ballot access, government corruption, gun safety, and most importantly environment. All these bills are waiting for you to vote and pass but are being held in a black hole created by Mitch McConnell and your party.

I need you to do two things. Convict Donald Trump and remove him from office and pass the bills the American people are literally dying for. In my opinion if you are not acting to reduce corporate corruption or passing laws to improve the environment and reducing climate change you have no business in government.

I do not fill your campaign coffers, but I do pay your paycheck. Do what is right for your state and the citizens of your state. Impeach and remove Donald Trump and pass the bills before you.

Gary DeVaan
Hopkins, MN