Here's a link to contact pages.!AvPRx9mTeH-Eo_4mIKXoNonaWswA_w?e=RxaBr8
Dear Senator
I don’t understand what Mitch McConnell does to control you
and the 52 other republican Senators.
Every bit of logic, morality and common sense demands that
new information is required to conduct a reasonable facsimile of a trial.
We know that in private you agree that Donald J Trump is not
qualified to be President, but in public and more importantly by your votes, you
condone him every day.
It is obvious to more than 60% of Americans that Trump is
corrupt, distasteful, and only has his own interests in mind when he does
anything. It is likely that Trump is a Russian asset, or in the very least is
allowing Putin and the Russian federation to take advantage of the corruption
that he allows in our government. We all know that Trump is dismantling our
rule of law, presidents, and common decency in our country. We see him using
our treasury as his own slush fund by visiting his properties every week and promoting
and forcing government employees to patronize his properties.
Donald J Trump is a clear and present danger to our country
and out way of life. He must be removed and prevented from being President in
the future.
And yet you vote for him at every opportunity. Is it money?
Are you as corrupt as Mitch McConnell and Donald J Trump? Is there some piece of
information that is not allowed in public that forces your hand?
Please for the sake of the country, the constitution, the
Senate, the Republican party, your family, and your reputation. Please vote for
witnesses and then conviction.