Dear President Biden,
It has become perfectly clear that the Supreme Court of the
United States has become occupied by corporate interests who are not working
for the betterment of the country. Recent decisions indicate that the court is
run by the most conservative justices who are consistently ruling in favor of
the wealthy and the powerful subjugating minorities, women, and the underprivileged.
The time has come to appoint four new justices to the
Supreme Court. There would be popular support for more justices. It is in your
power and that of the Senate to add justices to the court.
The corporate conservative movement has mobilized a minority
of citizens to successfully paralyze congress. Now that they have complete
control of the court they can effectively legislate from the bench as
conservative kings.
I think the court should have 21 justices with 3 sub courts
adding another level of appeal or two before a decision reaches the full court.
I understand there are plenty of cases that need to be decided by SCOTUS but
only a politically chosen few are ever elevated to this level. There also should
be a maximum age or a term limit that guarantees every President at least 1
appointment per term.
Most importantly there needs to be an enforced code of
ethics for justices on the bench. Justices and their families should not be
politically active outside of voting. They must recuse themselves whenever
there is a case where they or their families have an interest financially,
personally, or professionally.
I honestly think the reason that polling of citizens saying “The
country is on the wrong path” is mostly because things are not improving soon
enough, not enough is being done to combat climate change, poverty, income
inequality, and gun violence. SCOTUS is unjustly hindering your and Congresses
ability to make the improvements the people are demanding.
Joe, Please add more justices to the court. That is the
first step in reforming this out of control Supreme Court.
Gary DeVaan