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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Why the health care bill should pass.

What I think has not been said enough and/or really misrepresented is that health care reform is the first step in trying to contain our national debit. The bill according to the CBO will reduce spending by 100 billion dollars over 10 years. Teabaggers say they are concerned about government spending and the national debit and in the same breath say they don’t want any changes to Medicare. Republicans have been trying to gut Medicare for 40 years. I don’t understand why they don’t take this opportunity to do what they have wanted to do. Medicaid & Medicare are in hard financial straits. They will not be collecting enough money to support their obligations in a few years. If we don’t do something soon both programs will need emergency funding or leave millions of seniors and disadvantaged to suffer in the streets.

I believe this president will get our financial house in order but health care is the elephant in the room (excuse the pun). It has to be tamed because it is the largest entitlement program the US operates and is loosing money the fastest. If we can’t get health care under control everything else is window dressing? It has to get done!

The sooner we get past this issue the faster we can get to jobs and banking regulation. Americans need to get these two tasks done. They are angry and frustrated that they haven’t been dealt with. Banking and Health Care are two issues that business leaders are waiting to see what the future holds. They can’t react until something is done and the longer these issues hang in the public eye, the more they wait to do anything, including investment and hiring.

Besides, I think everyone is sick of just hearing about it any more. I know I am. The problem is Republicans are already talking about ditching the bill entirely. The selfish bastards have an issue in the short run. But it may come to bite them in the ass if they continue to stonewall. If Dems ask them again publicly and loudly for constructive input and they refuse to support any health care bill while the democrats are in the majority then they are again only working for their political gain and not for the American people.

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