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Wednesday, November 6, 2019

OK Boomer

As an ageing baby boomer, I love this retort. It means that despite our failures, and many there are, we have successfully educated our grandchildren to think critically and not to accept a given answer as gospel. We should thank our children I suppose. All those participation awards have empowered our youngest to speak up & talk back and that is fantastic.

My generation had so much hope and potential. We ended an unjust war, we fought for human rights for African Americans, homosexuals, and women. We began the environmental movement. We created culture and art that influences the world. We conquered a dictatorial communist empire and converted others to market economies. We shrunk the world with the internet and spread dignity & education around the world by championing markets, human rights and women’s rights.

Alas it wasn’t enough. In fact, you could argue that our parents are really the ones who deserve those achievements.

We allowed our materialism and greed to influence our politics with tax avoidance and more unjust wars. We dropped the ball on the environment, resting on our laurels of reducing air & water pollution. We forgot to take care of those less fortunate in our towns and cities. We looked to enrich ourselves without any concern about the infrastructure of society. We stopped championing human rights and just made the easy sell of markets. Those countries we conquered have become new versions of their former selves just with more money. After Watergate we devalued public service and that made room for people of less character to become our leaders. We allowed con men to convince us that we didn’t have any responsibility for the world we created.

We limited our life goals to “He who dies with the most toys wins.”

We lost our imagination and creativity. We could have recreated our society into a near utopia. Most of our art is formulaic & auto-tuned (ok maybe that is the kids).  We settled for the internet when we should have been exploring the solar system. We launched more satellites that look at ourselves than look at the universe.

The “OK Boomer” retort is a perfect case of what goes around comes around. I remember "Don't trust anyone over 30". Our generation HAS failed our country and the world. We went from “peace & love”, to profits & power. From “do your own thing”, to “Just say No”.

I hope the new generation is smarter and wiser than we were and don't fall into the traps we did. They appear to be. 

Practicality and career shouldn't dominate looking out for each other, the country and the world. Don’t lose your idealism, it’s more valuable than it looks at 30 or 40. You’ll always have regrets just do your best.

Go get 'em kids! I wish I was 18 years old (for so many reasons). I'll have to help from where I am.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Donald J. Trump is unfit for office.

Dear Senator, 

Donald J. Trump is unfit for office.

As a patriot and citizen, I cannot stand by and watch the destruction of our republic. After the clear effort to pressure the Ukrainian government to conspire with the Trump campaign to discredit Joe Biden, And his effort to enrich himself with the placement of the G7 conference at his property, it should be obvious to every American that this president will not stop using the power of the Presidency for his own personal gain. I hope the above facts make it obvious to you too.

My extended family consists of patriots, veterans, conservatives, and liberals who have been shocked and dismayed by the behavior of Mr. Trump. Many of my family live in your state and are too stunned to move let alone express their disapproval of this president. We all wish and work for the best for every citizen and the betterment of the nation. To not ask for the impeachment and removal of Donald Trump would be counter to that effort.

The above reasons are not the only violations of office that Mr. Trump has committed. Allowing and encouraging interference in our elections by Russia, China. Obstruction of Justice as relayed in the Muller Report. Betraying our allies in the middle east. Dismissing our allies in NATO and other treaties, decimating the State Department, Intelligence agencies, and Homeland Security by advocating their research and conclusions are false, taking the word of a known murderer and despot. Reducing the pressure on North Korea by canceling routine military training and basically ignoring the development of nuclear arms. The constant betrayal of the first amendment and a free press. The dismantling of environmental regulation and ignoring of corruption in his administration. All of this and many more makes the United States weaker at home and abroad.

The world is literally laughing at us.

Just the case that many of his appointments have not been confirmed or vetted by the Senate remains a point of weakness for our country.

I ask you with utmost importance that you support the impeachment of Donald Trump and vote to remove him from office. This cancer that has attached itself onto our nation must be extracted from our body politic.

He has thrown many of his former friends and allies under the bus. There is room for you there. When enough honorable Republicans join the likes of Comey, Tillerson & Mattis, you will have enough strength to lift this burden from our country and get on with doing the people’s business.

Please vote to remove Donald Trump from office.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

It’s time to buck up.

Dear Republicans,
It’s been fun spinning-up the libtards. Trolling family on social media for “knowing better”. Enjoying elected officials panic about the environment, asylum seekers in jail, or presidential treason. But, once in a while don’t you begin to think “Woah” this might be too much?

Is now the time to re-think what’s we’re doing? Let’s face it, Donald Trump hasn’t been a very good President. The economy is on the verge of a recession. Congress hasn’t gotten much done thanks to Mitch McConnell holding up over 300 bipartisan bills passed by the house. The world is literally laughing at our President. He is ruining relations with our allies and trying to make nice with all the wrong people. He’s using the office to rake in more money than he’s ever made. He is abrasive & rude to say the least. He doesn’t play by any rules that aren’t good for him.

Oh, yea, and he’s soliciting help from foreign leaders to trash his political opponents.

Maybe it’s time to cut him loose? Maybe REAL patriots should start writing their Senators to demand that they convict Donald Trump if/when he’s impeached. If Republican Senators commit to removing Trump we can stop worrying about what he’s going to do next and fix some things in this country. We could even talk to our liberal family members again.

It’s been fun. But now it’s time to be serious and impeach and convict Donald Trump.

Please convict Donald Trump

Dear Senator,
It has become abundantly clear that Donald J Trump must be removed from office. I am writing to encourage you, to plead with you, and to beg you to release yourself from the illogical and faulty devotion to This President.

The evidence is clear that Mr. Trump has abandoned his oath of office by using foreign resources to investigate and intimidate a United States Citizen and a political foe. By doing this he has broken a fundamental trust with the American people. The argument of Quid Pro Quo or not is irrelevant. Donald Trump is using foreign counties, possibly foreign intelligence agencies, to interfere in our elections, just as he likely did in the 2016 election. If that isn’t a high crime, nothing is.

The adherence of the Senate Republicans to this President is widely seen as a ploy to hold on to the conservative base. I understand the fear of losing this cohesive constituency. However, the oath you swore when you became a Senator was to uphold the constitution, not to uphold a constituency who you must admit, is being led by a self-interested conservative media complex that doesn’t always tell the truth.

To paraphrase Mathew 16:26 “What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul” In other words, this is a steep price for winning the next election and you can’t guarantee that this strategy will win the next election.

I would venture to say that the remainder of the electorate is convinced that Trump is a very corrupt man who is damaging our country’s reputation abroad and our basic institutions at home. They will and should punish Trump’s “loyal Senators” at the ballot box next year and possibly for years to come. The only way to redeem the party is to pluck out the corruption and do the people’s business.

I believe we need two functioning parties in this country if we want to have all ideas and options available for the many problems we are facing in the years to come. These ideas need to be vetted with honesty and vigorous debate. We cannot have that if one party is or is perceived to be corrupt and constantly working for the next election verses the good of the people, and not giving the electorate the opportunity to fairly elect their leaders.

Please, I respectfully implore you to vote for a conviction of Donald Trump and heal our country.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Impeach and Convict Donald Trump and Get the People’s Business Done.

Dear Senator

I am writing you to express my disgust at the behavior of the President and the willingness of the Republican caucus's determination to protect Donald Trump. I will not repeat the plethora of laws and indignities Trump and his administration have committed. I want you to understand the facts of the investigation and be truthful to the American people on what is discovered. The results are obvious that Trump is nothing more than a two-bit mob boss and should be impeached, convicted, and removed from office so his stain can be cleaned from the fabric of these United States.

From the way that you and fellow Republicans are defending Trump I can only conclude that the GOP caucus and Senator Mitch McConnell are involved in much of the same corruption. The Republican party has lost its way and no longer has the citizens of our country as its primary concern. The GOP is now ruled by big money contributions from fossil fuel interests, health care insurance, pharmaceutical and other big contributors that only have their profits in mind when asking for you allegiance that you willingly give away for these contributions. I understand who your REAL bosses are, and they do not care about Democracy or the United States. I need you to break free from this corruption and again work for us, the citizens of this great country.

There are over 140 bills that are important business of the people and have been passed by bipartisan votes in the House and are waiting in the Senate for votes. These bills will make improvements in the lives of millions of Americans in health care, education, ballot access, government corruption, gun safety, and most importantly environment. All these bills are waiting for you to vote and pass but are being held in a black hole created by Mitch McConnell and your party.

I need you to do two things. Convict Donald Trump and remove him from office and pass the bills the American people are literally dying for. In my opinion if you are not acting to reduce corporate corruption or passing laws to improve the environment and reducing climate change you have no business in government.

I do not fill your campaign coffers, but I do pay your paycheck. Do what is right for your state and the citizens of your state. Impeach and remove Donald Trump and pass the bills before you.

Gary DeVaan
Hopkins, MN