It has become abundantly clear that Donald J Trump must be removed
from office. I am writing to encourage you, to plead with you, and to beg you
to release yourself from the illogical and faulty devotion to This President.
The evidence is clear that Mr. Trump has abandoned his oath of
office by using foreign resources to investigate and intimidate a United States
Citizen and a political foe. By doing this he has broken a fundamental trust
with the American people. The argument of Quid Pro Quo or not is irrelevant.
Donald Trump is using foreign counties, possibly foreign intelligence agencies,
to interfere in our elections, just as he likely did in the 2016 election. If
that isn’t a high crime, nothing is.
The adherence of the Senate Republicans to this President is
widely seen as a ploy to hold on to the conservative base. I understand the
fear of losing this cohesive constituency. However, the oath you swore when
you became a Senator was to uphold the constitution, not to uphold a
constituency who you must admit, is being led by a self-interested conservative
media complex that doesn’t always tell the truth.
To paraphrase Mathew 16:26 “What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit
their soul” In other words, this is a steep price for winning the next
election and you can’t guarantee that this strategy will win the next election.
I would venture to say that the remainder of the electorate is
convinced that Trump is a very corrupt man who is damaging our country’s
reputation abroad and our basic institutions at home. They will and should punish
Trump’s “loyal Senators” at the ballot box next year and possibly for years to
come. The only way to redeem the party is to pluck out the corruption and do
the people’s business.
I believe we need two functioning parties in this country if we
want to have all ideas and options available for the many problems we are
facing in the years to come. These ideas need to be vetted with honesty and vigorous
debate. We cannot have that if one party is or is perceived to be corrupt and
constantly working for the next election verses the good of the people, and not
giving the electorate the opportunity to fairly elect their leaders.
Please, I respectfully implore you to vote for a conviction of
Donald Trump and heal our country.
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Thanks for sharing your opinion. We may not agree, but we have to live with each other anyway.